As someone who has been in a similar position, I can say experience shows NCI designation is achieved only after a cancer center already functions as a designated center. Fortunately, over the past decade, several tools have come onto the market that can help to manage the data and research associated with a CCSG submission. First, I would highlight the introduction and evolution of the clinical trial management system (CTMS). The CTMS provides a complex web-based application to securely manage clinical research operations, spanning from protocol scientific review, through activation, development and management of case report forms for investigator-initiated trials, and subject visit tracking for sponsor billing and invoicing. There are several notable CTMS that are utilized by NCI-designated cancer centers, including Forte’s OnCore Enterprise Research. OnCore has been used by NCI-designated centers for more than 15 years and is currently used by over 60% of designated centers. As we discussed on the webinar, the guidelines for Cancer Center Support Grants (CCSGs) are continuously evolving and it’s important to utilize a system that evolves at the speed of research.