If the doctor did not put the pregnant employee on disability before they gave birth, then the minimum time they would be on leave will be 6-8 weeks. That is the usual time taken to recover. So they only have 6-8 weeks of PDL and they don’t get those 18 weeks or 17 1/3 weeks of PDL. They only get what doctor says they need. After the 6-8 weeks of PDL is over, the 12 weeks of CFRA will start for baby bonding.
6-8 weeks of PDL and FMLA run concurrently. The remaining FMLA will run concurrently with the 12 weeks of CFRA. So the FMLA will run another 6 weeks of CFRA baby boding and then the FMLA will stop and CFRA will continue for another six weeks. So the employee gets total 12 weeks of CFRA baby bonding of which 6 weeks will run concurrently with the remaining FMLA because the first 6 weeks of FMLA run concurrent with PDL.