Yes. You need well-designed letters and forms and when someone goes out on pregnancy disability leave you can send this letter to them and request them to fill the expected date of delivery and recovery date. When the date of PDL ends, if they don’t have any FMLA or CFRA is pending, they should come back to work on that day. They don’t get 4 months pregnancy disability leave – they are going to get up to 4 months of PDL only as long as they are disabled. For normal birth PDL is 6 weeks and for caesarean it is 8 weeks. And if you get something within that category and the doctor is saying 2 months, it is advised to get a second opinion. Because the doctor is giving them the time off. They get paid family leave to bond with the baby even though they are not eligible for CFRA or FMLA.
You have to decide whether you are going to allow them to retain their job as an organization or not. Once you decide what you are going to do be consistent with every other pregnant employee that you allow extra time if they run out of other leave and if they want to bond with the baby for four weeks and they still get their job.