October 11, 2024

How to Install WordPress With cPanel

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In cPanel & WHM version 90 and earlier, users can install WordPress as a cPAddon with cPanel’s Site Software interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Site Software).

To install WordPress as a cPAddon, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to cPanel’s Site Software interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Site Software).
  2. To receive a notice via email when the hosting provider installs WordPress, You currently are set to receive a notice when updates for your installs are available text in cpanle.
  3. Click WordPress.

    cPanel add software

  4. Enter the requested information.
    • To install WordPress directly into a domain’s document root, leave the installation URL’s path blank. This may overwrite any files already in the document root.
  5. Click Install.
    • If your hosting provider moderates requests for WordPress installation, click Submit Moderation Request.
    • Enter a note for your hosting provider, and click Submit Request.

  6. When the WordPress installation finishes, use your web browser to view the location that you entered in Step 4.
    • For example, if you installed WordPress in the http://example.com/wordpress/ directory, browse to the http://example.com/wordpress/ URL.

Aaaand, you’re done!

How to Install WordPress With cPanel
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How to Install WordPress With cPanel
In cPanel & WHM version 90 and earlier, users can install WordPress as a cPAddon with cPanel’s Site Software interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Site Software).
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