What is an Organization ID Number (Org ID)?
Org ID is a system-generated number assigned to a new organization during the User Fee account creation process that uniquely identifies your business in the FDA User Fee System.It is not the same as the Federal Employer Identification Number, Registration Number, or Taxpayer Identification Number. It is important this number is correct, because the Org ID is used by FDA to interact with an organization to ensure proper payment of its medical device applications that require the payment of a user fee.
Org ID is a system-generated number assigned to a new organization during the User Fee account creation process that uniquely identifies your business in the FDA User Fee System.It is not the same as the Federal Employer Identification Number, Registration Number, or Taxpayer Identification Number. It is important this number is correct, because the Org ID is used by FDA to interact with an organization to ensure proper payment of its medical device applications that require the payment of a user fee.
If this number is incorrect there could be a delay in processing your Small Business Certification reduced user fee for your application. If you are a registered company, you should already have an organization ID number. You should use this one – do not create a new one. Your Org ID may be found in the Profile section, under Business Information on the User Fee System MDUFA screen. 10 Follow these instructions to obtain your organization number:
- Login to the User Fee System MDUFA screen and enter a valid user name and password to sign into the Medical Device User Fee Website. Located at: https://userfees.fda.gov/OA_HTML/mdufmaCAcdLogin.jsp.
- Click the “Go” button for the Medical Device User Fee (MDUFA Cover Sheets (e.g., PMA, De Novo, 510(k), etc.)) option, under the Cover Sheets section.
- Click the Profile icon located on the top of the page
- You will see Business Information under the Details tab. The organization ID number is listed below the organization name.
If your company has never paid a user fee, you should create a new User Fee System account. See the FDA User Fee System (UFS) Account Creation Desk Guide located at: https://userfees.fda.gov/OA_HTML/mdufa_account_creation.pdf for detailed instructions.
If you forgot your user name and/or password or a message displays “Invalid username and/or password” while attempting to login, you may retrieve your user name and/or password online by returning to the User Fee System website and clicking on the “Forgot User Name/Password?” link. You will need to enter your user name and/or email address and then click on the “email My Password” button. If the email address or username is valid, a temporary password will be sent to the user with the requested information. If the message “We’re sorry, but we haven’t been able to locate your account information” is displayed, you should create a new User Fee account.